Tuesday, Feb. 28th
I decided to not post on Monday as it was my birthday. I also chose not to keep track of my route, mainly because it's my birthday and I'll slack off if I want to. I am now 26. Too old to be a Delivery Boy? Yes. I am now a Delivery Man. I wonder what that bar-mitzvah would look like? I can only imagine...what it would be like.
Listened to: Freestyle (Radio CBC) and All Points West featuring Margaret Atwood (also Radio CBC; noticing a trend?)
People Delivered to: 2
Conversations: 1 (pretty good percentage!)
Awkward Moments: 0
Judgments passed on the Driving Skills of Others: 1 (and it was a big one. See below.)
My Own Bad Driving Moments: 0 (Yeeeaaah Boooyy!)
Things Learnt:
I must, at some point in my life, preferably soon, poo in a desert and watch dung beetles roll up my poo and roll it away to turn it into a house or an appetizer.
Flipping off someone who almost killed you while driving is not as satisfying as it is made out to be.
Number of People who Desperately Leapt out of the Way of my Vehicle as it Careened Down a Busy Sidewalk: 0 (which either means this never happened or it did happen, the people couldn't jump out of the way in time and I don't count it as a bad driving moment. I'll leave the decision to you.)
Memorable Moment(s):
Almost being killed by someone who was tring to merge onto the highway when there was no merge lane and it was actually a stop sign. That was cool! And I fingered him I was so happy. Afterwards, I felt bad and in no way did it bring any satisfaction to my heart. If that's the worst thing we can do to a bad driver, no wonder people don't change their habits of stupidity. Being fingered wouldn't hurt at all.
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