Saturday, August 19, 2006

Monday, August 21st

I did no deliveries on this day. I took the day off as I was in Vancouver with my wife, dropping her off as she was on her way to Mexico for school. I will write some stats about this trip.

Listened to: Mostly David Gray, some Ben Lee as well. Oh, and Jack Johnson (Booorrrrringgg) and somebody that sounded like they really wanted to be Ben Harper. And a girl named...Betsy...Michelle...Tatum. I don't know.

Whales watched: 4

Overpriced Meals Eaten: 4 (2 each)

Outdoor Concerts Attended: 1, featuring Mr. David Gray. One of the best live performers out there. Believe it!

Sea Otters I wish I had Stolen: 3, for the purposes of playing with. The Vancouver Aquarium (where we were, if you hadn't figured that out) frowns on people jumping into the tank, I would imagine. I've never asked.

Time Spent on or waiting for Transit: 2 hours or so.

Walking done: Enough to make my lower back somewhat pinched.

Things Learnt: I can never live in Vancouver

Memorable Moments: The whole thing really. The aquarium, the concert, spending time with my wife's brother and sister-in-law. But I have to say that the weirdest thing was running into pretty much one of the only people that we know in Vancouver as we were getting off the Sky train and he was getting on, at a different door. Vancouver's big. That's not supposed to happen. But it was cool. We got coffee and chatted. He got an Iced Coffee (coffee that is cold but not sweetened for the lay person) even though he doesn't like coffee. There were too many choices and choked at the last second. It was gross. Even I didn't like it and I thoroughly enjoy coffee. It was a good time, though. I will miss my wife. I am currently missing my wife.

Amount of Pot Smoke Smelled: A Buttload.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger mennoknight said...

I like to say that Jack Johnson is so inoffensive he offends me.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger JEK said...

That sounds about right.


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