Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wednesday, March 1st

Or, as I like to call it, February 29th. And, I would like to add a new, every day category, as I have been doing this more and more. "Things I laughed at that I Probably shouldn't have".

Listened to: Freestyle on Radio CBC, The Echoing Green (Synth-pop, electronic music)

Delivered to: 8

Conversations: 1

Awkward Moments: 1

Judgments Passed on The Driving Skills of Others: 6

My Own Bad Driving Moments: 2

Things I Laughed at which I Probably Shouldn't Have: 2

Things Learnt: Some people have far too much time on their hands
People can hear the random noises you make in your car if your window is open

# of times Inspired to "Do the Robot" by my Dorky Music: 5

# of times I sang along to said music with words like "Bleepy Bloop": 7

Memorable Moments:

There was a news story on the radio about how an elderly lady had died 48 hours after she had been moved from one care home to another. There is an investigation going on looking to see if the new care home was responsible. One of the people from that care home, probably a higher up, made a statement that they, and I quote, "Did not succeed in providing her quality care". Gee, you think? Quality care, last time I checked, usually didn't involve a person "giving up the ghost" if you will. It involved a lot more sponge baths and the like. I thought it was a statement of the obvious and, because of that, was very memorable. Thank you for your time.


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Andrew v. said...

"People can hear the random noises you make in your car if your window is open"

Ok that made me LOL because lately I've been scared to fart in my car because I think someone will hear me who is driving in the other lane.

Hahahaha what?


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