Tuesday, Sept. 12th
Listened to: Freestyle, North by NorthWest (which I usually don't listen to but they were talking about wine, so I listened), a mixed CD of worship music
Delivered to: 6
Conversations had: 0
Moments of Awkwardness: 0, for me. Maybe more for others. I like to think I don't create much awkwardness but a truly awkward person would probably think the same thing, so who knows?
Judgments Passed: 2 (There's always something to write here. Maybe I should work on that.)
Things Learnt: I learned much about the red wine called Merlot. Fast forward to today and I have forgotten it all.
Memorable Moments: I went to Gourmet Greens, our local vegetable produce store (great store, by the way) and purchased some "Gourmet Greens" and oranges and reds, I think. The lady asked me if I had brought my bags this day. I was surprised as I am not a regular of this store but she remembered that I occasionally brought my own grocery bags. It was kind of neat. I had to say no, though. I'm very inconsistent. What a great impression to make.
Bad Impressions Made: Only God knows.
man, gourmet greens are the best kind of greens!
wait, nevermind - I forgot about collared greens. I take that back.
I've never been there, but often thought about checking that store out... I shall have to do that some time.
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