Saturday, March 04, 2006

Friday, March 3rd

Listened to: Garbage (this is not a commentary on what I listened to, it is the band itself), Madly off in All Directions, National Playlist, Freestyle (all radio cbc)

People Delivered to: 30

Conversations (not including weather or work): 7

Awkward Moments: 2

Judgments Passed on the Driving Skills of Others: 2

My Own Bad Driving Moments: 0 (Whattup!?)

Things I Laughed at which I Probably Shouldn't Have: 2

Learnt: Generally, Canadians have Bad Musical Taste (How else can you explain Nickelback)
People who throw an Oscar party are not worth interviewing on your radio show

Banana Peels Thrown at Passerbys: In my heart, 1. In reality, 0.

Memorable Moments:

There is this one older lady on my route that I deliver to every Friday that never talks to me and has always been very skittish whenever she has opened the door. This past Friday, though, after over two months, we actually had a conversation. She just talked. It was really neat to experience. I like it when people warm to me. It makes me feel special. Really.

There is another older lady I deliver to every Friday. When she opened her door to let me in so that I could hand her the delivery, there was a magazine on her floor. I guess it had been left for her in between her screen and regular door. And she said, "Oh look, there's my Maxim Magazine." And she picked it up. And it was a Maxim magazine, the meat magazine for guys. That was weird. I had to leave right away. It was just too funny. To each their own.


At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha - for real on the Maxim??? - Hahahahahahahaha

At 3:41 PM, Blogger JEK said...

Seriously. It was weird. And she was old.


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