Tuesday, March 14th
Work has been entirely boring over this past week so it has been hard to record eventful things in this delivery life. But here goes...
Listened to: Freestyle, We are Scientists, K-OS
Favorite Line: Whenever K-OS raps about aliens. Dork-Hop. My fave.
Delivered to: 5
Conversations: 1
Moments of Awkwardness: 1 (same as the above conversation)
Judgments Passed on the Driving Skills of Others: Too many to bother counting. I was overwhelmed by suckiness.
My Own Bad Driving Moments: Flawless Victory!
Things Learnt: Apparently our society has reached new heights of laziness and developed a computer screen and program that will show you what you look like in different outfits and types of clothing. Forget microchips in the hand, this has to be related to the Apocalypse somehow.
Memorable Moments: My awkward conversation where someone I deliver to offered me a chip (Dorito, or Nacho. Name brand association. Sorry) and I said no. The conversation was fine up until that point and then it got cold. I think the person was insulted that I said no and that my refusal was a reflection upon what I thought of them. I'm not supposed to be eating junk food right now. That was why. If I refuse food from you, people I know (as opposed to the millions of others I do not know that read this amazing blog), please do not take it personally. It is not you, unless you smell. Then it is.
Squirrels Befriended: 2
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