Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday, May 12th

Listened to: Mixed Cd's filled with gems of musical genius, Sounds like Canada (or something like that, some new radio show), Madly off in All Directions, Freestyle.

Delivered to: 28

Conversations had: 3

Moments of Awkwardness: 4

Judgments Passed: 8 (take that people of this city!)

Things Learnt: I am truly a small town boy at heart.

For the most part, when left to their own devices, people pretty much exclusively think of themselves.

While I like music with Nintendo noises, I do not like music with traffic noises. It makes me feel as though I am breaking laws and about to get in an accident, or like I am continually cutting someone off and getting honked at and fingered. Not my favorite.

Memorable Moments: I was able to talk with one of my favorite people to deliver to again. And I learnt more about her. She's a really sweet old lady who raised her two kids by herself as her husband went on some flight and was never heard from again. That's strength.

I opened this door to head down a hallway to a basement suite, as I always do on Fridays, and this wheelchair was waiting right at the door. With no one in it. I figured that either the person had left to go somewhere or the rapture had happened and the person no longer needed their wheelchair in heaven. I went with the first option and dropped the delivery in the mailbox.

Songs I Enjoyed Listening to that I would be Embarrassed about if Others Overheard them: 7


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree on the car sound thing. there's this one Keith Urban song with a cab horn at the beginning, but every time the song comes on I still jump and look around.


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