Sunday, March 26, 2006

Friday, March 24th

Listened to: Death Cab for Cutie (Transatlanticism), Madly off in all Directions (radio cbc), The National Playlist (radio cbc), David Crowder Band (Illuminate), Freestyle (radio cbc) and We Are Scientists (self-titled)

Favorite Line: "Having all your questions answered really doesn't help at all. "

Delivered to: 30

Conversations had: 1 (not a friendly day)

Moments of Awkwardness: 4

Judgments Passed on the Driving Skills of Others: 4

My Own Bad Driving Moments: 0 (or I didn't write them down. I think I'm just getting better. And because I have more time on Fridays, I'm more relaxed and a more grateful driver)

Things I Learnt: I don't really like James Brown and feel that he is somewhat overrated. But that is my personal feeling. I do not expect you to share it.

The National Playlist on CBC radio is entering it's final week and I am okay with this. The musical snobbery of the show is actually quite distressing and it makes it not that fun to listen to. But just like anything that people can vote on and have the illusion of control over, it's quite addicting.

Memorable Moments: I have one person that I deliver to who is the most difficult person to get ahold of and it causes stress and frustration in my life. This week, as I was walking to the apartment where they live on the seventh story (and they do not buzz me in, they meet me at the bottom, where I have to wait), this person was outside just getting ready to go in. I called the persons name, walked over and handed them the delivery. It was great.

I had a lot of fun watching people scatter around downtown as this rainstorm came out of nowhere and just poured on people. I was safely in my car and took the time that I was waiting at a red light to watch and be amused. Take that business core!

Fake Laughter Expressed: 2


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