Saturday, April 08, 2006

Wednesday, April 5th

Listened to: Freestyle, Imogen Heap

Delivered to: 5

Conversations had: 0

Moments of Awkwardness: 0

Judgments Passed on the Driving Skills of Others: 3

Things Learnt: Apparently, people originally thought that the phone, the waltz and novels when they were introduced to society would ruin the young people. The lesson is that everyone worries about new stuff and the children, I guess. Ooooh, deep.

Memorable Moments: There was a professor on Freestyle talking about Fantasy genres within the fantasy novel world. He was saying that Harry Potter is in an entirely separate genre than Narnia or Lord of the Rings. The reason was found in the type of world found in the novel. In Narnia, the normal world is just briefly mentioned and there's this extravagant world that you can get to but you have to travel through the Wardrobe to get to it. In Harry Potter, the extraordinary world of magic is intertwined with the regular world, within view but just out of sight. It was interesting. That there is a professor who sits around thinking of these things is a little strange to me. "Hey, so what are you doing with all your schooling, having a PHd and all?" "Who me, I'm reading Harry Potter and thinking about it deeply." "Oh."

Fantasy Worlds Discovered: 0, unless you count the amazing number of Retirement centers that I go to. They're pretty fantastical.


At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the phone, waltz and novels did ruin young people. I mean without the phone here would be no way to call your friends to see if they want to go camping.... and camping can result in some crazy things!!!!! And if we didn't have novels we'd probably do so much more homeork.... and well don't get me started on dancing. we all know where that leads. It sort of like caffeine we should get rid of that to, then no-one will stand the risk of being ruined

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things that are ruining young people RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK!!!:
1. video games.
2. fast food
3. msn
4. video games
5. ipods (they're bad for your hearing)
6. cell phones (cause cancer)
7. chat rooms (pedophile prey!)
8. Prostitution (I saw this Oprah where these young girls were sneaking out of their middle class homes to go work the streets. And Oprah is ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING)
9. Debt (again, Oprah.)
10. TV. (destroys the wiring in young children's brains)
11. harry potter (only counts if you're a christian young person)
12. Camping (thanks Sharon for putting ideas in their heads....;0
13.... Um...I'm not cool enough to finish this list. I don't really know what sort of dangerous evils kids these days are getting into. Because I don't get invited to get into those evils. Not cool enough.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger JEK said...

I also feel that Brussel Sprouts are ruining our young people. And tylenol, not advil, but tylenol. They're too spherical. Oh, and the sun. That things just sketchy.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I am going to die, if any of these things are true. Especially novels, iPods and cel phones.
And Oprah scares me. She has far too much power over far too many people's minds. I think Oprah is ruining the young people. Or maybe just the soccer moms.


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