Friday, March 09, 2007

Tuesday, March 6th

Listened to: Freestyle, Imogen Heap

Delivered to: 3

Moments of Awkwardness: 1

Judgements Passed: 0

Conversations had: 0

Things Devoured: 0

Things Learnt: Nothing, which is okay. As long as I am willing to learn.

Memorable Moments: There was a cat that I came across that had a very strange looking eye. One of it's pupils was not circular, it was more of a wide, squiggily line that ran from the middle of its eye to the bottom right corner. It was a little strange, but I pet it anyway.

One of the people I delivered to was standing in their doorway waiting for me because one of their neighbours was working on their truck with their music blasting. The person I delivered to did not seem happy and they described their neighbour as an "A-hole with too much coke." I didn't know what to say. "Yeah, too much coke'll do that to you every time." I just smiled and nodded, gave them their delivery and politely left. When in doubt, leave.

Animals Pet: 4

Days Left: 7

Monday, March 5th

Listened to: Freestyle, Keane

Delivered to: 5

Conversations had: 0

Moments of Awkwardness: 0

Judgments Passed: 1

Things Devoured: Zip.

Things Learnt: People actually play underwater hockey as a competetive sport. I think there should be a limit to what we call sports and claim as our creative brainchild. I can't just say, hey, tennis on the moon. Good idea, and now it is my idea. No one else may develop a tennis on the moon league. The location something is played does not change the sport just the stakes.

Memorable Moment: I don't know. I didn't write anything down. Probably reading and being done.

Days left: 8, because I miss one day next week.

Currently Reading: Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson. I had to take a break from "The Idiot." I can only read it in smaller chunks.

Friday, March 2nd

Listened to: A bunch of mixed CD's that I had not written down anything that was on them. So, I needed to listen and take notes as to what songs there were. Very dangerous while on the road. No crashes, though. I will highlight some of the artists/songs from said CD's. Go West (not the song but the band. Google them, they rule), Pet Shop Boys, that song from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure when they're standing in the future with Billy the Kid and Socrates and all the future people start air guitaring, Turtle Power (rap from the original movie), John Mayer, random future pop groups, You Can Call me All, Billy Joel, Wang Chung and so on. It was a good day for music. However, Afganada, a radio drama which I did not originally like and have grown to like, was replaced by Canada Reads, some debate about what book is best featuring musicians and other quasi-famous Canadians defening their favorite book. Didn't listen.

Delivered to: 33

Conversations had: 2

Moments of Awkwardness: 1

Judgments Passed: 0

Things Devoured: Footlong Spicy Italian Sub on Honey Oat, water, gum

Things Learnt: Cancer lowers hemoglobens, I think.

Memorable Moments: It was a very circular day. In one resthome, or whatever they're called, there was a circle of old ladies, in a room that I passed by, playing with a balloon. They were all hitting it into the air to each other in the circle and they were having fun. It is a fun activity, it was just something I did not expect to see a group of older ladies doing. Then, as I left another building there was a drum circle outside of the funeral home. I thought it was neat.

My most memorable moment of them all was quitting. Oh, it has been a long time coming. And it felt good to say that I will not be doing this job anymore. I think it's the first time I've technically been able to quit a job. All the rest I've had have just ended. It was pretty awesome. Two more weeks.

Jobs I will no longer be doing: This one.

Thursday, March 1st

Listened to: Freestyle

Delivered to: 4

Conversations had: 0

Moments of Awkwardness: 0

Judgments Passed: 0

Things Devoured: 0

Things Learnt: 0

Memorable Moments: 0

Overall Feeling of the Day: Booooorrrrrrrring!

Wednesday, February 28th

Listened to: Freestyle, Bloc Party (the new album which is very good, if you like that style of music, which I have no idea what it's called)

Delivered to: 9

Conversations had: 1

Moments of Awkwardness: 2

Judgments Passed: 1

Things Devoured: Grande Decaf Americano

Things Learnt: The Bees of the world are disappearing, which ia apparently bad. Suites me fine. Little creatures that get so angry at a person they sting them, which leads to their death and they know it but they still do it have no place in a "civilized" world, if you ask me. But apparently they pollinate a lot of our food, up to one third of all food in the world, so I guess that's a big deal. Whatever.

Memorable Moments: There were four kids walking down the street. Three older boys and one younger girl. One of the boys had the girls backpack and was pretending to throw it over hedges, out into the street and so on while she was jumping up and down, running around trying to get it. Eventually, he just threw it behind them a bit and then she ran back, grabbed it and ran back to the boys, walking along beside them, smiling the whole time. Here is my interpretation. One of those three boys was the older brother of that girl. She likes one of his friends. His friend likes the fact that she likes him, but only because it means he will be looked upon as cool for harrassing her by his other two friends. So, the backpack thing was not a cry from him saying, "Little girl, I love you that is why I am doing this" it was probably more like, "Hey guys, look at what I can get this stupid little girl to do." And she loved it. Girls, let me tell you, guys are stupid and will probably, for a very long chunk in their early lives, do anything to impress their friends. We are insecure and need validation. Please don't be like this.

Rants gone on: 1

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tuesday, Feb. 27th

Listened to: Freestyle, and for some reason I have in brackets the words "Mother Mother." I am guessing it may be a band or an expression of some unfathomable emotion.

Delivered to: 6

Conversations had: 0

Moments of Awkwardness: 0

Judgments Passed: 2 (even on my birthday I'm judgmental. What a jerk.)

Things Devoured: Nothing but loneliness. Actually, that night there were mass amounts of sushi eaten by myself, my wife and two close friends while watching "Idiocracy", a dumb but funny flick.

Things Learnt: KFC is attempting to get the Pope to bless, not just approve of but bless, their new fish sandwich as a way for Lent observers to eat quickly and conveniently but still follow "No Meat Fridays." I feel it is somewhat of a stretch.

Memorable Moments: Sadly, none.

Currently Reading: "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Friday, February 23rd

Listened to: Snow Patrol, Afganada, Freestyle, Mixed CD (used for inspiration for writing)

Delivered to: 35

Conversations had: 2

Moments of Awkwardness: 1

Judgments Passed: 2

Things Devoured: Something at Subway but I didn't write it down and I don't have that good of a memory. Probably a Subway Melt with cookies and pop, though.

Things Learnt: A fellow by the name of Amos Lee could be a good musician. One song sounded good.

Memorable Moments: There was a young lasy who I passed by on the street that had a leash in her hand but I couldn't see what it was that she was walking. It was too small. So, my expectations were raised that it was some cute little puppy that she was walking. As I passed by and was able to see what in fact she was walking, it turned out to be small and fuzzy but it was not a puppy. It was a ferret. Weird. Somewhat cool but weird.

There was the most disgusting smell I have ever smelt in my life in the stairway that led to an apartment room I needed to deliver to. I don't even know how to describe it. On the second flight there were wet spots, indicating that someone had peed/discharged some mystery fluid/leaked something out of a garbage bag. It was gross. It actually reminded me of a time when some friends on a break from working at a camp found a squirtgun and filled it with whatever leftover, disgusting fluids that were in the fridge of one of the friends homes. We had plans to drive by and squirt someone but we could not bring ourself to do it. A sad moment.