Friday, August 18th
Listened to: Snow Patrol, A Mixed CD, Madly Off in all Directions, Freestyle, and I really wanted to listen to the Bloc Party Remix album in my car. I listened to it in a store, had my mind blown, decided to price shop at other stores (which I never do) and couldn't find the album again. Stupid town.
Delivered to: 27
Conversations had: 4
Moments of Awkwardness: 2
Judgments Passed: 4
Things Learnt: There's a guy that gets shot out of a cannon for his job and he feels lucky. Feel that his job is the best job ever. I lean towards thinking otherwise.
Walking through automatic sliding doors while putting on sunglasses makes me feel uber-cool.
Memorable Moments: I was walking down this long hallway to get back to my car after deliveries and at the other end were these two old ladies with carts coming at me. It was kind of creepy because they were taking up the whole hallway and I felt like they were some type of gang. But they were just sweet, old ladies.
I finished lunch early because the morning was slow so I figured the afternoon would be busy, so I wanted to get an early start. Problem with this is that I got to the apartment with the bathroom too early and I did not need to use it. It was a few minutes later that my body started to signal me of the dire need it was in. I couldn't use the bathroom back at delivery homebase, because everybody uses the same bathroom and it would not be a kind thing to do to the others, if you know what I mean. So, I went right away to my other workplace, which has multiple bathrooms and I used the one less travelled. And that made all the difference. In my bowels. I felt a lot better. Seriously.
New Books Purchased: Two. One called Winkie, about a Teddy Bear the wills itself a live and then gets arrested for being a terrorist and one called You Shall Know our Velocity. I'm not sure what it's about but I like it.